I recently came across this article on FaceBook that sent me to  http://theorangerhino.com/ where I read about the aftereffects of one whole year without yelling. Seems easy right? Yeah, not to me. This was coming from a mother with four children; I have three. As horrible as it sounds, yelling is there every day to aid me in my frustrations. No one likes to admit that they yell, but we all do it. Could you imagine going a whole year without it?? Reading over the wonderful things on that site inspired me. They said to "publicly announce" your goal/challenge, that it will help you succeed in it. 

Well, here I am world. This is my announcement. I too want to challenge myself to one whole year of no yelling! Oh, just typing that gives me the chills. I'm by no means an angry person, but I get angry at times. More so at my husband for his lack of understanding my thought processes and the kids for NEVER putting their dirty clothes in the hamper leaving me to wash the same one pair of clean jeans 5 times because neither they nor I can tell by it's location if it is dirty or not. 
OK, the dirty clothes thing doesn't get me "angry" just frustrated. The dog on the other hand, she gets me angry. She's potty trained, well behaved, but she likes to run because she is a beagle. So every now and then she gets mad at me for getting on to her for running away and she'll poop in the house when I'm sleeping. As a light sleeper, the smell wakes me up at 2am... you don't know yelling until you wake up a sleepy momma with something other than her children. Oh boy! 

So if the little petty things can set me off, I have to ask myself, am I up for the challenge??? Do I have the will power to walk away for a minute and calm down without acting rashly? Why yes, yes I can. It will be hard at times, I don't expect it to be easy and as you follow me, you'll get to hear my other wacky, loving, horrible, messy, crazy stories that most mothers can relate with. 
No wonder why kids cry when yelled at!
10/4/2013 03:30:30 pm

You can do it!!

10/4/2013 08:53:15 pm

I'm so proud of you. I will be on this journey with you.


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    Hi! I am an army wife mother of three. I know how easily every day stresses weigh us down. I also know how your child's contagious laugh lifts your soul. How finding your phone wedged in the toilet makes you want to scream and cry, and how when your child is so proud of themselves for learning how to write their name that they write it all over the house walls. This melts your heart, and get's your blood boiling all at the same time. It's a mess, a hot mess! 


    October 2013

