I used to be a morning person. I used to wake up and get the baby and start the day with more or less, a smile. That was two kids ago. Now, I have to wake up and drink a cup of coffee, a really big cup, before I go from groggy and grumpy to ready to tackle the day ahead. Coffee is gooooood. 

Needless to say, before I had a chance to take a sip of my coffee we had a child that needed an attitude adjustment. My four year old son decided that he didn't have to clean up his "camping" blankets from his sleeping place in the living room after a night of family movies. He openly refused to listen or even acknowledge my warnings. Ugh! A huge pet peeve of mine is being ignored. I will NOT stand for that at all!

In a collective voice, that in no way reflected my frustration, I told him, "Now, or be sent to your room with no morning cartoons." It worked. Well, kind of. He grabbed his blanket and went to his room with no crying, fit pitching, no him screaming "uuggghhhhh" as he slams his balled up fists down by his sides and stomps off like he normally does. Nice! We resumed the morning with me drinking coffee and them eating pancakes with sprinkles and apple chips with peanut butter. No yelling! 
When hubby got up this afternoon for work, I gave him a tall mug of coffee which he places on the carpet beside the couch. Anyone who has kids just knows that is a big wopping no no. One of the older two children not only knocked it down but some how managed to make it look like a coffee explosion all on the front of my light beige couch. Who knew? It would normally be a knee-jerk reaction for me to raise my voice demanding to know which child failed to inform us of the accident. I laughed as my husband looked at me puzzled. He's thinks I'm going crazy... 

I couldn't help but thinking that, it's just a couch. At least no one got burnt by the scalding coffee. I simply told the children that they didn't know it was there, but once they noticed it they should of told me. Then I proceeded to remind my husband to not be so careless. That's like blowing down a brick wall with a dust buster. 

There was really nothing too exciting or dramatic that happened today. Almost yelled at the dog, but caught myself. I also noticed that with my attitude adjustment, my husband got up in a better, more playful mood. That was a nice change in this month's atmosphere. Anything to help eliminate stress, sign me up!
10/5/2013 08:49:25 am

oh my... you are gonna do wonderful. I haven't yelled today either. i've been very quiet actually.


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    Hi! I am an army wife mother of three. I know how easily every day stresses weigh us down. I also know how your child's contagious laugh lifts your soul. How finding your phone wedged in the toilet makes you want to scream and cry, and how when your child is so proud of themselves for learning how to write their name that they write it all over the house walls. This melts your heart, and get's your blood boiling all at the same time. It's a mess, a hot mess! 


    October 2013

